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Traveling in the Signal Desert: A Contact Guide to the Tibetan Plateau

GOBOOST Commercial Cell Phone Signal Booster Case


Friends, have you ever been to Tibet, China? It is a very exquisite place; you can always see pictures of Tibet on some websites; but what should we do when we want to share the beautiful pictures of the scenery on the internet, but there is no signal?


Today, GOBOOST encountered such a situation: there is a 4000 meters tunnel in the Tibetan plateau, the signal inside is almost nonexistent; the workers can hardly communicate, so they contacted GOBOOST and stated their needs: to enhance the call quality and restore the normal Internet signal. However, GOBOOST arrived at the scene and solved the problem of no signal in the tunnel with only two fiber optic signal boosters. The result far exceeded the expectation, and the customer praised it frequently.

 The Construction Environment

Project details:

The project site is located in Chamdo, Tibet, China. The client is currently constructing a tunnel on the Tibetan Plateau, and due to the sparse population near the tunnel, the cell phone signal is poor, and the construction workers can't make and receive normal phone calls. Therefore, the customer wants to make good signal coverage in the tunnel, to ensure that the signal needs to cover the tunnel within one kilometer of the cell phone signal, enhance the 2G-4G network of the two major carriers and to ensure that enough for normal communication.

The customer wanted to have good signal coverage in the tunnel.


Design Solution

After our site survey, GOBOOST engineers decided to use two sets of 5W dual-frequency GD analog fiber-optic signal repeaters, we will install the near-end machine in the two cave entrances, about 500 meters away from the entrance of the installation of our GOBOOST remote repeater, and then through the feeder line connected to the flat antenna of the GOBOOST, the entrance of the cave on the left and right sides of the installation of a piece of lateral transmission of signals to the two sides of the cave. The signals are transmitted to both sides of the cave entrance.

GOBOOST Design Drawing

GOBOOST Design Drawing

After our on-site signal detection, "CellularZ" proved that there is almost no signal in the area. So at this point we decided that we needed to use GOBOOST's cell phone signal booster for rural areas.


GOBOOST Signal Text GOBOOST Signal Text

"RSRP" is a standard value to measure whether the signal is clear or not, the normal range is about -50dBm to -130dBm, the smaller the absolute value, the stronger the signal. You can always contact us to ask how to test if you have questions about your signal strength, no matter what system of cell phone you are using.


Product Solutions

Optical Fiber Remote Repeater * 1 pcs

Optical Fiber Near End Repeater * 1pcs

Large Plate Antenna * 1 pcs



Installation site:

1.Installation of Commercial Signal Repeater:

Install the near end of the Commercial Cell Phone Signal Booster at the hole, and then install the far end of the main unit about 500 meters away from the hole.

construction site


2.Install the transmitter antenna:

Then we connect two other large flat antennas via feeders, one on each side of the tunnel, to transmit the signal to both sides of the tunnel.


3.Please note: Please connect the receiving antenna and transmitting antenna to the main unit before starting the power supply, otherwise the main unit will be damaged.


4.Signal Detection

You can visualize the signal improvement after installation, and of course you can use "CellularZ" to detect the value more intuitively.


GOBOOST Signal Text GOBOOST Signal Text

The customer of this case originally thought that in 4000 meters of uninhabited plateau, even with the use of Cell Phone Signal Booster, it can only enhance the 2G call network a little bit, but after the construction of GOBOOST team, now not only the call is no problem, even the Internet is very smooth!

Perfil de la empresa

Shenzhen GOBOOST Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (GOBOOST) es una empresa de alta tecnología fundada en Foshan, China en 2009. Nos especializamos en investigación y desarrollo, producción y suministro de soluciones de red global y productos relacionados, incluida la señal de telefonía celular. amplificadores y dispositivos de soporte diseñados para mejorar las señales débiles de los teléfonos móviles para personas en aproximadamente 150 países. Hemos atendido a más de un millón de clientes, con un fuerte enfoque en el servicio global. Nuestro compromiso con la innovación centrada en el cliente nos permite abordar las necesidades de señales de comunicación, impulsar avances en la industria y crear valor social.
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