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Blogs de GOBOOST

How to solve the problem of poor mobile phone signal in the basement

In the basements of many residential or office buildings, poor mobile phone signals are often encountered. Data shows that the attenuation of radio waves in the 1-2 underground floors can reach 15-30dB, which directly results in no signal for mobile phones. For this reason, the signal can be improved through targeted construction in the basement.

Common poor signal solutions include the following:

1. Install distribution system: The working principle is to set up a base station signal amplifier in the basement, and extend the signal to all dead corners of the basement through cables to achieve full coverage. The construction of this system is more complicated, but the coverage effect is the best.
2. Set up a signal transmitter: This is a simple solution. Set up a low-power signal transmitter at a selected point in the basement to form a signal community to provide services for the basement. Construction is simple, but coverage is limited.

3. Install a repeater: The repeater can capture outdoor signals and then amplify and retransmit them. It is suitable for basements and outdoor windows or pipes that can be used. The construction difficulty is low and the effect is good.

4. Add an outdoor base station: If the reason for the poor signal in the basement is that the nearby base station is too far away, you can apply to the operator to add an outdoor base station near the building, which requires the IOStandard program.

5. Adjust the position of the indoor antenna: Sometimes adjusting the direction of the indoor and outdoor antennas can also improve the signal. This method is simple and easy.

Through the above construction plan, the cell phone signal quality in the basement can be effectively improved. However, which solution to adopt depends on the actual situation, such as floor structure, budget, usage requirements and other factors, to find the best solution.
goboost signal booster

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Shenzhen GOBOOST Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (GOBOOST) es una empresa de alta tecnología fundada en Foshan, China en 2009. Nos especializamos en investigación y desarrollo, producción y suministro de soluciones de red global y productos relacionados, incluida la señal de telefonía celular. amplificadores y dispositivos de soporte diseñados para mejorar las señales débiles de los teléfonos móviles para personas en aproximadamente 150 países. Hemos atendido a más de un millón de clientes, con un fuerte enfoque en el servicio global. Nuestro compromiso con la innovación centrada en el cliente nos permite abordar las necesidades de señales de comunicación, impulsar avances en la industria y crear valor social.
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